
HU CH Turáni Gladiátor Atahan


Born: 2006-10-28

SK CH Atila Gara-Chan
Sk. Ch. Abdul Malumi

Iza Z Basarovej Lesovne

RS CH Rengőhegyi Ormán Borka
Rengőhegyi Ormán Musztafa
CHCR, CHSK Faust Ex Oriente

Colours between parentheses are the colours of progeny
© Created with Sredneasiatskaja Ovcharka Pedigree http://cao.ovcharka.nu 02/23/2025

Link to pedigree: http://ovcharka.nu/ko/caopedigree.nsf/l3vy/A4561AC50ACAF333C1257F68003506BE